Saturday, November 22, 2008

Photos of Safari Animals

Saturday November 22 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears - Oh My!! Rather it was Elephants, Warthogs, Springbok, Water Buffalo, Hippos, Rhinos and.... many many more! Here are just a few photos of some of my favorite ones. Stories to come!

We met this white rhino as we were leaving the Kharma Rhino Sanctuary in Botswana- if I put my hand out the window I could of pet him... BUT we kept all hands in the truck.

The resident Elephant at the Oddballs Camp in the Okavanga Delta.

This became a common sight- many Zebra's grazing!

After searching and searching (along with getting up each day at 5am) for lions and giving up, one walk out in front of the truck!

Mama and baby having a drink at the river front in Chobe National Park, Botswana

I think we interrupted his snack.

This was my first EVER sighting of wild Elephants! It was in Daramaland Namibia, the camp had build this watering hole for the herd of 30 elephants otherwise during the dry season they would pull up the piping- so they decided to make them their own water source!

More to come- now that I've figured out how to upload!

Enjoy :)

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