WELL……- website searching and phone calls did not work to say the least. Thus after talking with the educators and the principal I decided to just go visit to the University of Venda in Thohoyandou http://www.univen.ac.za/ and to the municipalities to get information. After talking with the UniVen Administer and getting directions that went something like this “…go down the path at the ATM go down the stairs on the left…. Go to the blue door…..” I set out!
UniVen is a world renowned institution- and it’s campus is MASSIVE! (note there were many paths, ATMS, and ALL the doors are blue!!). Thus after admitting to myself that I was lost, I asked one last person who said- “Yes-yes, go down this hallway, down the stairs and there is a blue door at the bottom- this might be the administration ….?...”). Well this was the best thing to happen to me- as I found a new friend- who was seriously studying for his chemistry test and then walked me to the administration building. Along the way we chatted- only to find out that he and his friends were starting a Global Sustainability Club and wanted to connect with a local-rural secondary school AND I (desperate at this point) needed someone to come and talk to the grade 12’s about programs and careers available at university—but having 2nd and 3rd year university students is the BEST as the power of hearing from peers – in their own language!- was beyond what I thought could be arranged.
The rest of the details are really minor- we went to wake people up (I met a few of them still in their pj’s!) we sms’d various date/times- met over colddrink, had our meetings become birthday parties and best of all I made lifelong friends- who filled me, the school and our learners with hope that there is a positive future!
10 university students came to Muthamaro to talk to with the grade 10, 11, and 12’s- (in their home language of Tshivenda)- these are students who are studying LLB, Maths, International Relations, Chemistry, Business, Ecology etc. They have varied backgrounds some are orphaned or have been abandoned by their parents, or have had lives of continued hardship, or are just ‘regular'- as they put it- but despite all of this they have made it to university- and the fact that each one of these students came to Muthamaro to talk and reached out their hand makes me know in my heart and soul that it is the power of peers that will make our world a better and stronger place.
The UniVen students have continued to come to the school each month and assist in the areas of Maths, Physical Science and English- I am honoured to say that EACH of the 11 grade 12 Learners pasted their winter exams- and they are now determined to have “Pass one, Pass ALL” at the December Matric Exam. This is an enormous accomplishment for the school.
Thank you Gadisi for helping me find each of you!
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